New eReader from Barnes & Noble: The Nook

Barnes and Noble have released a new eReader, which looks suspiciously like the Kindle with a few “Look I’m Different” features. (I’m not saying that’s a bad thing. Not at all. I just wonder why it has to be white and rectangular and look...

How To Excite Your Customer

This week I was listening to a gathering of (probably) excellent minds from “Great Universities” talking about one of my favourite subjects: the history of History. The program’s audience was the general public. I tried — twice — to get...

Create Your Own Kindle eBooks

If you’re lucky enough to have a Kindle or a Kindle 2, there is no need to go spending good money to put your own content on there. If you have PDFs, HTML docs, word processor documents that you’d like to carry around on your Kindle, you can either pay 10c...

Finding More Followers on Twitter

Recently, I was building a new Twitter persona for a business and trying to figure out how to gain exposure. I started by using Twitter’s search function to find people who were tweeting about the same topic. Then I followed as many as I could find. (I’m...