Finding More Followers on Twitter

Recently, I was building a new Twitter persona for a business and trying to figure out how to gain exposure. I started by using Twitter’s search function to find people who were tweeting about the same topic. Then I followed as many as I could find. (I’m...

Is Your Content Kindle-Ready?

On Tuesday, Feb 24, Amazon will release the Kindle 2, the second version of its Kindle ebook reader, and the media are already full of stories about ebooks. The time has never been better to release your content digitally and, to capitalize on the news, to release...

Are You Listening? Twitter and Motrin

Think Twitter doesn’t affect your business? Johnson & Johnson did. This weekend Motrin became the #1 topic on Twitter. More specifically their web-ad about Babywearing (you know, slings, front carriers etc.) made them the #1 trending topic on...

What’s In It For Them?

This morning my local radio station interviewed some of the people attending and organizing the Bench2Business conference, which is aimed at “aspiring and established scientists and entrepreneurs of color”. Everyone they interviewed was really positive....

Down Is Up III – Every Action…

…Has an equal and opposite reaction. It’s true in physics, and OK it’s slightly less true in business but bear with me. In every downturn there are opportunities for those who are willing to look for them. Today I noticed a local furniture store that...

Build Your List

Want to build a huge list of pre-qualified prospects? TakeĀ  tip from the President-Elect. In trying to figure out how Barak Obama won the election, the pundits agree that his organization was great a using new media to keep in touch with and build their base. So how...

Down Is Up, Part II – Do You Have What Others Need?

Food prices are rising because supplies are down and demand is up. A recent National Geographic Magazine article focussed on preservation of healthy soil as one of the solutions. This might be good news for some businesses, if they can think and market themselves...

Down Can Be Up, Part I: Make News With No News

In a down economy, everyone is re-examining how they spend their money. You could find yourself gaining business in these tough times if you position yourself as the best, mopping up all the customers your competitors are currently under-serving. But only if you talk...

When Times Get Tough, The Tough Get Talking

Now is the time to reach out to your customers. With uncertainties in the economy do you know where your customers are? Are they sitting on buying decision? Are they waiting for someone, something to give them confidence? That someone should be you, and it should be...